People Search Detective Agency

People search detective agency helps you find someone who is hiding in the shadows. They use real-world field investigation and public records searches. They can help you find deadbeat dads and locate a lost loved one.


You can check a detective agency’s reputation by visiting their website and reading reviews. It is also important to look at their portfolio.

Background Checks

Background checks are an essential tool for a private detective, and they can be conducted for many reasons. These searches reveal important information that can help prevent crime and protect the safety of individuals, businesses, and communities. They can also help prevent legal liabilities. For example, an employer might conduct a background check on a job applicant to ensure that the person does not have a criminal record that would put others at risk. In addition, a landlord can use them to ensure that tenants do not have a history of evictions or financial problems.

Often, a background check will include a search of public records and databases. This will usually reveal important information such as criminal records, aliases, and addresses. It may also reveal the names of previous employers and other relevant information. In addition, a background check can include driving records to identify prior convictions or traffic violations. Moreover, it will uncover any suspicious activities and other relevant information that could be of concern.

It is important to note that background checks are only permissible if they are conducted for a valid reason. This is because the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) regulates the use of personal information. Therefore, you should only hire a company that is registered with the FCRA and follows its guidelines.


Many private investigation firms offer surveillance services. These services include electronic surveillance, which involves using a camera or other equipment to observe an individual. They can also conduct interviews with witnesses and gather information for you. They can also do digital surveillance, which involves following a person’s online activity. This type of surveillance is often used for corporate investigations, as it can help companies identify a suspected fraudster.

A New York City detective can help you with a variety of civil cases. These can include domestic surveillance, worker compensation, and insurance fraud investigations. They can also conduct background checks and obtain court records for you. Moreover, they can also find missing persons and assets.

If you need to hire a private investigator, check whether they have a good reputation. Look for reviews on Yelp, Google, and Facebook to see what people are saying about the company. Also, check how long the company has been in business.

A private investigation firm should be licensed in the state where it operates. It should also have extensive experience in the industry. The firm should be able to perform online database searches, such as asset and property searches, criminal records, license searches, DMV and birth records. The company should also have an experienced staff with a wide range of skills and expertise to meet the needs of its clients.

Fraud Investigations

Whether you need a background check, locate a missing person or investigate insurance fraud, you can trust this agency to provide you with top-notch service. Their professional team is available 24/7 to help you with all your needs. They will even go undercover if necessary to get you the truth!

In addition to their investigative skills, detectives need to have strong writing and critical thinking skills. They also need to be able to communicate clearly with their clients and witnesses. They must be able to explain the results of their investigation in a way that will make sense to those who don’t understand the case.

A reputable private investigator will usually showcase an example of what their work looks like on their website. If they don’t, ask for a sample report. It will give you a good idea of how well they perform their job.

The investigators at this firm specialize in insurance fraud investigations, missing persons investigations, and child custody challenges. They have more than 18 years of experience in gathering investigative intelligence and forensic evidence. Moreover, they offer security services for law firms, companies, and private individuals. They will even help you with employee background checks to ensure that your employees are telling the truth. In addition to this, they can even help you with a variety of other matters such as moonlighting, work-related injuries, and long-term sick leave.

Missing Persons

Whether you need to find a missing family member, debtor, or someone who has wronged you, a private investigator can help. They can use a variety of resources to locate the person, including paying informants, conducting public and Internet searches, studying police records, and interviewing witnesses. In addition, they can perform polygraph testing and retrieve deleted data from mobile phones.

They also have access to state and federal databases in foreign countries. This allows them to gather actionable intelligence quickly and efficiently. They also have a deep understanding of local laws, which is critical for missing persons investigations. They are able to identify potential leads and pursue them diligently until they resolve the case.

A missing persons detective can also help families reconnect with separated loved ones. They can also assist families to reopen cold missing person cases that have been closed by law enforcement. They can even find people that are not considered missing in the eyes of the law, such as heirs or debtors.

The most experienced missing persons investigators have advanced research skills and extensive knowledge of public and private databases and information sources. They are familiar with credit reports, Lexis/Nexis/Dow Jones searches, social media, and Internet search engines. In addition, they are familiar with court records and have a good working relationship with local law enforcement.