Personal Whereabouts Tracing

Many smartphone apps use location services to track users’ movements. This data can be used by governments, and sold to data brokers.

Digital contact tracing programs raise questions about privacy and 흥신소 digital inequality. Addressing these issues requires cross-functional collaboration throughout businesses. This includes legal, compliance and IT departments. It also requires a focus on employee education and training.

What is it?

Personal whereabouts tracing is a type of electronic tracking that allows someone to monitor a person’s location without their consent. This can be done with software installed on a phone or computer (called stalkerware), as well as through the use of GPS devices in cars, personal belongings or other locations. The unauthorized tracking of a person’s location can cause fear, intimidation or harassment and serve no legitimate purpose. This activity can also be considered stalking.

How does it work?

Some employers track the locations of employee phones using management software. This is often done for safety reasons in dangerous workplace environments or to ensure that work-related phones have not been taken out of the office without permission. In some cases, employers can also track the location of employees’ personal phones if these are used for work purposes (such as checking email or accessing company documents).

Government agencies and law enforcement officers are also known to use tracking technology to locate suspects and undocumented immigrants. They can triangulate approximate locations based on cell phone GPS signals, Wi-Fi and cell tower data, and IP addresses. If you think you are being tracked by someone else, make a list of all the information that they might be able to gather about your location.

How can I protect my privacy?

Your personal devices have the potential to track your location through settings adjustments and app permissions, allowing hackers, scammers and stalkers to get ahold of your personal information. Checking for suspicious apps that have access to your location and regularly factory resetting your device are simple yet effective methods of protecting yourself from this type of malicious activity.

Hackers have shown that they can use real-time data from network interchange services to discover your physical location. This information, along with your phone number, can be used to impersonate you, steal your identity or commit fraud.

Many legitimate apps use location data to provide you with services such as directions, weather and maps. However, some of these apps also sell your location information to third parties for marketing and other purposes. If you think someone is tracking your location, document this evidence and speak with law enforcement or a trusted professional in digital security. Try Aura’s all-in-one digital security solution for online privacy tools, advanced identity protection and 24/7 support.