Quick and Easy Cooking

Quick and easy cooking is a great way to save time on weeknight dinners and make healthy, nutritious meals for yourself and your family. Check out these recipes that will get you a delicious meal on the table in 30 minutes or less.

Taste of Home Food Director Chris Morocco and Editor Shilpa 밀키트 Uskokovic help caller Gillian find weeknight-friendly dinner recipes that lean heavily on ingredients she already has on hand.

1. Have a Well-Stocked Pantry

The best way to make quick meals is to have a well-stocked pantry. This includes your fridge and freezer, too.

A good starting point is a thorough clean-out, tossing foods that are expired or that your family doesn’t like (and you never will). Keep canned vegetables, berries and beans on hand in the winter.

A well-stocked pantry also includes items that have a long shelf life like pasta, grains and canned goods. Figure out which kitchen staples are your favorite and stock up. Be sure to store them all in a way that makes sense for your family, so you can see them easily and know which ones to use first. Keep in mind that organizing your pantry and making it pretty is a great motivator to keep it organized month after month!

2. Make Substitutions for Healthier Meals

A healthy eating pattern includes a variety of foods that are low in salt, sugar and fat and high in fiber, whole grains and fruits and vegetables. Using some smart food substitutions can help you cut down on these nutrients without completely altering the flavor and texture of recipes.

Whether you’re trying to reduce the amount of dairy in your diet or eliminate gluten for health reasons, making these smart swaps can help keep you on track with your goals. Start by evaluating the function of ingredients in a recipe before you make any changes.

For example, replacing sour cream with low-fat Greek yogurt can reduce the number of calories while adding more protein to your dish. And instead of serving regular rice, try nutrient-packed cauliflower rice!

3. Stock Up on Staples

Having basic pantry staples like flour, corn starch, brown sugar and white sugar can help you make quick meals on the fly without having to make another trip to the store. Bottled items like olive oil, canola oil and cans of beans and tomatoes are also staples that should be stocked at all times to help you create nutritious meals when you don’t have time to cook from scratch. These kitchen workhorses can be mixed-and-matched in many different ways to create delicious meals.

4. Cook Enough for Leftovers

Researchers have found that many foods taste just as good a day or two after being cooked, including soups, stews, braises, curries and dals. They also make excellent leftovers that you can transform into different meals throughout the week.

Cooking a meal that is large enough for leftovers is a great way to save time. Plan on doubling or tripling recipes and use food containers to stash extra in the fridge.

Choose recipes that are good for leftovers, including casseroles, lasagna and slow-cooker vegetable stews. Adding some fresh herbs, lemon juice or other flavorful ingredients will give your leftovers new life. You can even turn leftover meat or vegetables into a hearty chili or taco filling. This is especially important for those who have limited space in their refrigerators or freezers.

5. Plan Ahead

A little bit of planning can go a long way. It can help you avoid wasted food, save time and money, and improve the health of your diet.

Start by creating a menu. Make sure to include a variety of meals, including proteins, vegetables, and grains. Next, take stock of your pantry and refrigerator to see what you already have. Make a shopping list based on your menu and inventory, and stick to it.

Finally, plan ahead for busy nights by setting aside quick meals like pizza or a crock pot dinner on those evenings. You can even prepare extra ingredients in advance to speed up the cooking process. For example, you can roast a chicken on Sunday and use it for several meals throughout the week.