The Importance of a Home Inventory


A home inventory is an important step for any homeowner or renter, and it doesn’t have to be overwhelming. It can be as simple as a pencil and paper, or you can take advantage of today’s technology by using a home inventory app like Sortly or UPHelp.


A written inventory should include a description of each item, as well as its make, model and serial number where applicable. It should also be backed up with receipts and appraisals, where available.

Room by Room

Whether you use the low-tech method of creating a written home inventory or high-tech options like a mobile app, it’s important to have a complete and well-documented record of your possessions and their approximate value. This can make it easier to file a homeowners or renters insurance claim and expedite the process after a loss, damage or theft. Having a record of your belongings also may help you qualify for financial assistance after a disaster.

When preparing your inventory, it’s best to work room by room. This will ensure that you are not missing any significant items. For each item, note the type and description of the possession, including serial number if applicable. Also, provide the date of purchase and the original cost. It’s also wise to include any sales receipts with your inventory as backup documentation.

For those with a smartphone, there are numerous mobile apps available to create and store a room-by-room record of your possessions. One popular option is Sortly, which allows you to organize your inventory by categories and includes color-coded custom tags for each item. The app also allows you to take photos and upload documents, such as receipts, manuals and contracts. It also can scan barcodes and provide the ability to set password protection. Other popular home inventory apps include BluePlum Home Inventory, Memento Database and Nest Egg.


Electronic equipment is a part of most modern homes and includes items like TVs, DVD players and computers. These devices and their accessories often come with cords, wires and adapters that can be hard to keep track of. For this reason, it is important to have a system for storing these items safely and securely at home. In addition, if you purchase a new piece of electronic equipment, it is important to include that in your home inventory as well.

A home inventory can be completed using a variety of tools. Whether it is as simple as writing everything down in a notebook or as high-tech as using home inventory 이사 software, the goal is to have a record of your possessions and their estimated financial value. It is also recommended that you keep copies of supportive records, including receipts and appraisals.

Whatever method you choose, it is important to make regular updates to your inventory. Whenever you buy a new item, add it to your inventory and take a few pictures of your possessions. If you are using a digital file, backup that record on your computer or external hard drive and consider storing it off-site in a safe deposit box or at a friend’s house. In the event of a disaster, having an up-to-date home inventory can help you expedite your claim.


A home inventory can help ensure you have enough homeowners or renters insurance coverage in the event of a disaster, theft or fire. A comprehensive home inventory list catalogs your belongings, including a description of each item, its monetary value and when you bought it. It also helps prevent disputes over lost or damaged items should you ever need to file an insurance claim.

Taking a written inventory is simple, but you can also choose to use a digital tool. A number of smartphone apps are available to make the process quick and easy. Some, like Sortly, offer free inventories up to 100 items. Others, like the UPHelp home inventory app from United Policyholders, require a fee.

When completing your home inventory, be sure to take pictures or video of all rooms and their contents. Don’t forget to go through drawers, closets and, if necessary, your attic or basement. And be sure to include any belongings in off-site storage, as your homeowners or renters policy may cover them.

No matter how you create your home inventory, it’s a good idea to update it on an annual basis. If you do, it can help you settle your insurance claims faster and verify losses for income tax purposes. Contact an American Family agent today to learn more about creating and maintaining a homeowners or renters policy that’s built to protect your belongings.

Personal Effects

The most important part of your home inventory is your personal effects, which include items such as clothing, artwork and jewelry. Unless you’ve purchased a comprehensive insurance policy that covers these items, a separate homeowners or renters insurance policy may be necessary to cover them in case of loss or damage.

Taking a photo or recording the details of these items is one way to make an inventory. Many apps such as MoneyGeek’s free Home Inventory app can walk you through the process. You can also record a video or use a spreadsheet to record your information. A number of templates are available online, including a simple home inventory spreadsheet from United Policyholders and another more detailed option from the Consumerist.

If the thought of counting every kitchen towel makes your head spin, start by doing an inventory of more valuable items such as your jewelry box or art. Include the basics for each item such as a general description, price and identifying characteristics.

Store a copy of your inventory in a safe place outside your house, such as a safe deposit box or at a friend’s or relative’s home. It’s a good idea to update your home inventory at least twice a year or whenever you purchase large items. This will help you determine the proper amount of home and renters insurance coverage you need.