The Importance of Maintenance


Maintenance is one of the most important tasks that every technological organization must perform. It involves functional checks, servicing, repairing or replacing of industrial items such as devices, equipment, machinery and building infrastructure.


Often, it’s cheaper to do routine maintenance than wait for major problems. Having a well-designed maintenance strategy is essential for maximizing the efficiency of your teams and reducing costs.

Preventive Maintenance

Regardless of the industry or equipment type, an effective preventive maintenance program can reduce downtime by detecting problems early. This leads to a shorter mean time between failures (MTBF), saving money on replacement parts and service labor. In addition, it catches minor defects that throw a wrench into machine capacity and reduces energy usage, which is good for both the environment and your bottom line.

However, establishing the right maintenance schedule can be challenging. You may need to consider the original equipment manufacturer (OEM) guidelines, repair history, industry knowledge and usage patterns. You’ll also need to shuffle maintenance orders around to ensure that important tasks aren’t missed or overshadowed by less critical work.

To make the process easier, you can split your preventive maintenance tasks into mandatory and non-mandatory categories. Mandatory tasks must be performed as soon as possible and often include safety-critical checks. Non-mandatory tasks are those that can be delayed without a major impact to performance or the risk of a critical failure.

You can also save on maintenance staffing by outsourcing some of your preventive tasks to external contractors. This can be especially useful for repetitive or specialized maintenance tasks that require more time and resources than in-house staff can provide. This can help you to better manage your maintenance budget and keep up with the best practices and recommended time frames.


Reliability is the ability of a system or product to perform as expected over a long period of time방문운전연수 . This includes the ability to continue functioning without any obvious problems, such as a car engine that starts every time, an airplane that flies safely through turbulence, or a refrigerator that keeps food fresh.

Some systems are designed with reliability in mind. Computers, for example, often include features that detect and correct errors in software or hardware before they become serious problems, preventing future crashes and system failures. Many medical devices, including drug pumps and MRI scanners, are also designed for reliability, as is most industrial equipment.

Testing and measurement methods can also contribute to reliability. Test manuals often report a statistic called the standard error of measurement, or SEM, which indicates the degree of variation in test scores due to testing conditions and other factors. SEM tells you how much variation to expect in a person’s score on a particular test, so you know how close his or her true score is likely to be.

Reliability can be improved by improving the clarity of questions, lengthening a measure, or using formal psychometric analysis, which involves computing item difficulties and item discrimination indices. Adding more items to a test can also increase reliability, as can increasing the number of times a test is administered.


Safety is a crucial aspect of maintenance that needs to be addressed by combining procedures, training, and technology. For example, a maintenance team needs to understand the type of energy a piece of equipment generates, the dangers it poses, and ways to control them. Ensure that the entire maintenance team is trained to recognize these issues and know how to handle them. You should also create a safe working area for the maintenance team and provide them with all of the tools they need to work safely.

If your team has a problem while performing maintenance, they should be able to contact their supervisor immediately. This can prevent them from making the wrong decisions and keep them safe. Similarly, they should be able to access and view past maintenance logs. This allows them to get answers to any questions they have about equipment or procedures.

By implementing the right maintenance strategies, you can maximize the reliability of your equipment and reduce unplanned downtime and business closures. This will allow your company to improve productivity and minimize costs. So, be sure to take the time to evaluate your current maintenance strategy and consider a CMMS solution that can help you implement the best possible maintenance plan.